The club where everyone is welcome, has fun and plays their best cricket

Annual General Meeting – 25 June 2018

The AGM of the St Andrews Cricket Club Pascoe Vale, Inc. will be held on Monday 25 June 2018 at the Cole Reserve Clubrooms commencing at 7pm.

1. Welcome to Life Members, members and guests
2. Attendance and Apologies
3. Minutes of the previous AGM
4. Correspondence
5. Reports: President, Treasurer, Secretary, Captains/Coaches, Delegates to the VTCA/NWMCA
6. Election of office bearers: President, Secretary, Treasurer and General Committee
7. General Business
8. Refreshments

Members are reminded of the importance of this meeting and are asked to make every effort to attend. Apologies to the Secretary, Jon King, at or 0407 810 859. Please remember to provide the Secretary with any updates of contact details.

Copies of the Annual Report will be available at the meeting.

We are especially hoping to receive nominations to our Committee from women and parents of junior players.

Please RSVP and invite anyone who you know may be interested in playing or helping out around the club next season.
