The club where everyone is welcome, has fun and plays their best cricket

Xmas Party Sunday 7 December 2014

Our next club event is the Xmas Party on Sunday 7 December 2014 from 11am.

If you’ve been before you know what a fun day it is, if not you’re missing out. Also a reminder that all players have been given a book or two of raffle tickets to sell. Make sure you do as all funds raised from the raffle and Xmas Party will go towards the clubroom extensions as a joint event between St Andrews Cricket Club and Coburg Districts Football Club.

$20 family (2 adults 2 children)
$10 single
$5 extra child

BBQ lunch provided

Games and activities for the kids
Santa arriving at 3pm
All children under 10 receive a xmas showbag


Raffle drawn for:
1st prize Jumbo xmas stocking (value $2000)
2nd prize Meal voucher @ Zagame’s Reservior (value $200)
3rd prize Xmas ham and slab of Crownies (value $100)

All proceeds to be used for the clubroom renovations

Don’t forget to add the following dates to your diaries so you don’t forget:

St Andrews Cricket Club Pascoe Vale Social Calendar

Xmas Party 2014 (1)Xmas Raffle 2014 (1)